iPhone users have long replaced the iPod. What makes sense to buy a separate gadget, if the smartphone itself is a great device for listening to digital music. MacDigger gathered for music list of the best jailbreak tweaks from Cydia, with which you can extend the standard player in iOS 7, making the iPhone more attractive and easy to use.
MiniPlayer is a comprehensive add-widget that includes artwork and buttons to control music playback. It is made in the style of the Mini-player iTunes 11, which has become one of the most innovative features the latest version of the player Apple. Referring to the window, you can put music on pause, turn next or previous track. There are a string with the thumb to quickly jump to any part of the track.

Functional MiniPlayer provides an opportunity to change the play mode to share tracks and song title and artist friends. If you touch and hold the widget a few seconds, the screen displays three buttons to control the playback mode, the inclusion of repeat and send tracks to social networks. You can easily change the order of tracks normal moving songs in the list and add any songs from the search on a waiting list.
Musiex works similar to MiniPlayer, only instead of a single widget, add-represented in the form of banner notifications. In addition to displaying album art, song name and artist, novelty allows you to control playback using gestures "swipe" or buttons directly on the banner.

Aria released developer pNre - author of the popular tweaks NoAnnoyance, StatusBarFix2, Uniformity and Blurpaper. Utility offers several interesting features that empower Music. One of its main "chip" is a support function "queue." The essence is to ensure that the user can change the playback order of songs, indicate tracks that will go behind executable. Other features can be noted Aria Album view mode in a grid, as well as the ability to view song lyrics executable. After playing the last track superstructure may include random track from your library mobile device.

Tweek is very small, but original. It transforms the look of the music program in iOS 7, depending on the cover of the track being played. The effect of the add-on can be estimated from the screenshots. Colorize changes color interface elements such as buttons, icons, badges and album name, artist, volume slider, and more.

Tweek ColorFlow not less witty than Colorize. It adds a new color for the background of the application. Due to the album cover of the song you're listening to music has every time there is a new background design. In this ColorFlow can be used together with the add-Spectral, which displays album artwork as the background image on lokskrine.

Articon - another addon for regular Music app. With it, you can turn on the music album on the home screen. When you turn songs from your library program icon is replaced by the cover. Tweek is quite small and has no additional settings.

Pluck 2
Superstructure Pluck 2 allows access to library iOS 7 from the lock screen, and control points. Call list of tracks you can click on the little button with a picture of the notes. With Pluck 2 can also add songs to the queue. Tiny tweak is useful for everyone who often listens to music on the iPhone.

Addon with the telling name Lyricalizer also offers plenty of functionality desired. After his set, standard player in iOS 7 allows text to see the currently playing song in the album cover.

While the majority of the list of tweaks alter API Music MusicAppMods tweak allows you to learn more information about the currently playing track. Simply holding the list of songs, you can see the duration, number of plays, absenteeism, and the release date, date of last listening room and album.

CustomCover allows you to change the album cover design displayed on the lock screen iOS 7. Developer provided nine design options, including CD Case, Circle, Clean, Default, Faded, Insert, Ripped, Vinyl and Vinyl Mini.

Active users of music app in iOS will appreciate add MusicGestures . To switch songs in the application enough to make a gesture swipe left or right on the line with the name of the artist, touch once cover to put a pause, press and hold the string to rate. Gestures work not only in the standard application, Apple, but also in the control room, as well as on the lock screen.

EqualizerEverywhere is a separate add-Equalizer for iOS. With its help you can get quick access to the sound settings and use them for all applications on the device. Additional 10-band equalizer allows you optimize the sound according to the style listen to songs.

Volume +
Volume + makes functional iOS 7 standard element associated with volume control - displays in a transparent HUD-screen playback controls and cover music album. In normal mode, when you click on the buttons "+" and «-» iOS, as it is known, features a standard volume indicator. After installing Volume + box promises tune "new colors", thanks to the cover of the album, title, artist and album for that song that plays smartphone speaker or headphones. In addition, the popup shows the playback controls, active runner track and volume slider.