Tuesday, July 22, 2014

15 interesting moments from a speech by Tim Cook

Apple released its financial results for the last quarter (April-June). Beaten analysts' expectations in terms of revenue, profit and sales of iPhone.

Apple revenue for the quarter was $ 37.4 billion, and net profit - $ 7.7 billion, or $ 1.28 per share. For comparison, the company's revenue for the same quarter of the previous year was $ 35.3 billion and net quarterly profit - $ 6.9 billion, or $ 1.07 per share. Gross profit amounted to quarterly 39.4% compared with 36.9% a year earlier. International sales accounted for 59% of the quarter's revenue.
Communicating after the publication of financial statements of investment companies with analysts during a conference call, Apple CEO was not very verbose, and the financial report of the news turned out quite stingy informational reasons.
15 interesting moments from a speech by Tim Cook
  • Apple has $ 164.5 billion in cash and securities.
  • $ 137.7 billion or 84% of cash stored in offshore.
  • Apple has made six acquisitions in the past six months, including the Beats and 29 since the beginning of 2013.
  • Deal with Beats will be completed this quarter.
  • CarPlay appears in 29 major car brands.
  • IPhone sales were a record this quarter, despite rumors about the iPhone 6.
  • Level of satisfaction among iPhone users is 97%, 50% of new smartphone buyers look towards iPhone.
  • 25% of U.S. iPhone users enjoy traditional the operating plan.
  • 63% of buyers will choose the tablet iPad. In the last quarter to half of buyers iPad gadget has become the first "apple" tablet.
  • iPad owns 85% of the educational market.
  • ITunes revenues for the year rose by 25%.
  • ITunes services have become the fastest growing segment of business Apple.
  • 75 billion downloads in the App Store.
  • Apple to date has paid developers $ 20 billion
  • Over 20 million people watched the online broadcast of the 2014 WWDC.
"Our record results for the June quarter, supported by robust sales of the iPhone and the Mac, as well as the continuing growth of income from ecosystem constructed by Apple, which allowed us to achieve even the highest earnings per share growth over the past seven quarters - said Tim Cook, CEO Apple. - We're pleased the upcoming iOS release 8 and OS X Yosemite and look forward to the presentation of new products and services. "
For the quarter, the share of iPhone accounted for about 53% of revenue Apple, the share of iPad - about 16% of revenue, Mac - 15%. About 12% of quarterly revenue "apple" the company received through service and sales in the store iTunes Store.