Wednesday, July 23, 2014

20,000 Apple employees have filed against the company for delays in salaries and ban lunches

California court allowed more 20,000 Apple employees join the class action lawsuit brought by 2011, according to which the company is accused of violating labor laws of California, reports Cnews. The plaintiffs argue that the company does not allow to take breaks, go to lunch and salary delays.

Superior Court of California awarded in 2011 filed suit against Apple becomes a collective, and now can join it more than 20,000 current and former employees. The lawsuit was filed ex-employee store Apple Store Brandon Feltserom and three of his colleagues, accusing employers violating the Labor Code of the State of California.
In particular, the plaintiffs claimed that Apple does not allow them to take breaks and not allow for lunch, as well as delaying payment of wages.
One of the plaintiffs complained that Apple makes run for 5 hours without a break, and the other - to delay the fee for up to 2 days. The representative plaintiffs Bilon Tyler said that some employees are deprived of recess and does for 7-8 hours. Refers only to those employees who receive a fee based on the amount of time worked.
Plaintiffs demand to bring Apple's responsibility, but it does not require a monetary compensation.
Meanwhile, with regard to the Californian giant is put on another case - associated with paying hourly employee branded stores. They are unhappy that the company does not compensate for the time during which the output of their shops scours security service.
In April 2014, Apple has agreed to settle a claim, according to which the company was involved in collusion with Google about wages to their employees, so that they had no reason to cross from one company to another, hoping to increase their income.