Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Apple and secrecy: who to blame leak information?

Apple has always been famous for its closeness: information about future "apple" updates become available to the public is extremely rare. Recently, however, the situation has changed every year leaks are becoming more and they start earlier.

How is it that Apple, which so cares about maintaining the secrecy was so "fluid" on the secrets? According to observers Vestifinance , blame must first of all "sources in the supply chain", which is often referred to periodicals to inform about the next upcoming products secret "apple" of the company.
News about upcoming products also open with his hands, so around rumors about Tim Cook has formed a media industry that is carefully collected the crumbs of information about what plans or no plans to make Apple.
«Apple is not to blame for the increased leakage - says Horace Dediu, an analyst who follows the activities of Apple. - If we talk about the sources of leaks, it is without a doubt, suppliers, of which at kupertinskaya of many. "
Chain component suppliers Apple has about 200 companies around the world that produce components or assemble gadgets. And they are not as loyal to the Privacy Policy Apple, as "apple" employees.
"In Asia, it is difficult to keep a secret, as it is important to build a culture of trust through personal relationships. So if someone is trying to build a relationship, it may happen that someone divulge any "working" only moments "between us, - says Yukari Kane, author of" The Phantom Empire: Apple after Steve Jobs. - Security - still a very important moment for Apple, and the company is still pretty people who keep secrets. I personally have encountered people who flatly refused to tell me anything. "
"Investors are watching the stock Apple, probably more than any other on the market" - says columnist TheStreet Bret Jensen. Given the attention of investors, "not surprising" that there are so many leaks.
Proof that Apple employees are able to keep their mouths shut, can serve as the facts that no one saw the cylindrical Mac Pro before its official announcement, no idea of ​​partnership with IBM, or that the company is developing its own programming language Swift.