Monday, July 21, 2014

In the U.S. capital appeared sidewalks for pedestrians using smartphones

Staring at the screen of his mobile phone, users often provoke dangerous situations on the road. People are so attached to their devices that sometimes, being in the street, do not notice anything around. Sometimes this leads to traffic accidents.

In preparation for the new series of the TV show «Mind Over Masses», broadcast channel National Geographic, conducted an interesting experiment. In the U.S. capital on a street pavement was divided into two parts. The first is designed for people on the go using smartphones, and the second - for pedestrians who are not distracted by mobile gadgets.
As the organizers of the experiment, almost nobody paid attention to pointers. Only a few pedestrians stopped to photograph the sidewalk. Those who still noted markup, some time later still communicated via smartphone on "forbidden" part of the road.
It should be noted that in May of this year, Taiwanese legislators have proposed a punishment for people who at the intersection of paying more attention to their cell phones than the situation around. The initiators of the law say that the country has 14 million mobile users, and overreliance on smartphones led to an increase of accidents involving pedestrians.