Scientists at Rice University in Texas have made an important step towards commercialization of resistive random access memory (RRAM). The density of such memory on orders above modern flash memory that allows smartphones and other mobile devices contain terabytes of data.
According Cnews , compared with flash memory in which the bits are stored in the form of charges, the size of these cells is much less so when using RRAM per unit volume is placed much more information. Another advantage is the simplicity of RRAM blending layers of cells to each other, thus saving chip area occupied.
RRAM-chip production - rather expensive process requiring heat. Furthermore, to switch the state of the cells themselves requires a high voltage, exposure to a material which reduces the lifetime of the chips.
Texas researchers claim that they have managed to solve both these problems. They came up with RRAM-memory, which does not require the production of heat, and switching its state - high voltage. Asking scientists RRAM-memory cell is composed of three layers: two metal plates which act as electrodes and located between the perforated plate of silica, with holes having a diameter of 5 nm.
RRAM-memory development is not confined to research teams, but some companies. In August 2013 the California startup Crossbar announced the creation of RRAM chip size of a postage stamp that can hold 1 TB of information.
The developers say that many memory manufacturers have already expressed interest, hoping to purchase a license for the production of its own brands of a new type of memory.The first products for embedded computer systems should appear before the end of the year.