Friday, July 25, 2014

Spread public beta OS X Yosemite began with failures and problems

On Thursday, Apple launched a public testing of the new operating system OS X Yosemite for the Mac. According Cnews, the system was not running without complications. Many wishing could not the first time to get an activation code. Those who managed to put the operating system, indicate stability problems Wi-Fi-connection system partition failures, limited functionality in popular applications and frequent errors.

Release public beta - a unique step for Apple because the company usually provides end users with only the final version of the system. In fact, the first time Apple has allowed the download beta versions of OS X for all comers, not an official developer, but limited the number of participants in the program one million people.
Access to the beta OS X Yosemite received hundreds of thousands of users around the world who have pre-registered to participate in the testing, pointing to the website of your Apple ID.Participants received a test program codes to download the platform of Mac App Store, which now enabled in the online store. To download the distribution beta Yosemite, need to pass on a special website page and Apple and enroll in the program, using the existing account.
Some users have problems with activation. When you try to enter a code issued, they received notice that he had already been activated. Solution was simple - just update the download page to generate a new code. Those who managed to install the OS, report problems with the mapping of logical disks, applications, FaceTime and Disk Utility Connection stability Wi-Fi, point to frequent crashes and incomplete OS functionality. Limited ability to have applications Final Cut Pro X, Aperture, iMovie and Pixelmator.
The beta version allows users to test Yosemite and send feedback to improve the system.Shipping is done using a special application "Assistant feedback." It can be run from the dock or by clicking the "Send Feedback" in the "Help" menu in any application.
Release the final version of OS X Yosemite scheduled for the autumn of 2014.