Friday, August 15, 2014

5 ways to deal with a dependency on smartphone

More and more residents of cities suffer smartphone addiction. They constantly check new messages, hear the vibration of a false call and can not concentrate on the conversation because reading VKontakte.

According to American researchers, 25% of iPhone owners are almost always use it during lunch or at a party, 70% taking up the smartphone, barely awake, and 51% said they regularly check it out even on vacation. This enhances the feeling of anxiety, and may cause depression. However, about 40% of people suffering nomofobiey - fear of being left without their smartphone. The Village has proposed five ways to get rid of the smartphone addiction.

1 Remove all unnecessary

Get rid of the applications that make the phone to check again and again. It is necessary to analyze how much time you spend in VKontakte, or Instagram, - may not be worth it to pay so much attention. Not be amiss to get rid of applications that help to buy something: a chance to avoid unplanned expenses. For transactions using only cash and card. For those who do, and it does not help to get rid of the smartphone addiction, experts advise to buy an ordinary touch-tone telephone.

2 Do not touch it

Do not write messages at the wheel: it will not only help to cope with addiction, but also increase safety on the road. If you want to write SMS, do it before or after the trip. Keep your hands in your pockets when walking down the street. If you're standing in line, do not remove your smartphone to pass the time.
Nor should constantly check your phone if you are at home or on holiday: it would interfere relax after hard work. Leave your phone at home or in the car, if are going to the gym: a constant tape reading friends on a bench for bench press will not improve athletic performance.

3 Follow the instructions

As soon as the stewardess on the plane asked to turn off the phone at the time of take-off, do not put it in flight mode, and really turn off the gadget. During the flight read a book or magazine. Reading, or watching movies from the phone during a long flight only tires.

4 Limit the use of time

Set a rule to check the phone no more than once every 90 minutes when you're on a date or a meeting with friends. Perhaps it will be difficult at first, but then you notice that the quality of communication has increased markedly.
By the way, some of the restaurants in the United States encourage visitors who have decided to give the phone to the dinner for storage, extra discounts. According to the study, because of too active use of smartphones falling quality of service.

5 Buy Service

Every morning, a typical smartphone user starts with an alarm clock on your phone. It can make a melodic or not, set the intervals and the intensity of the call. But in spite of these facilities is better to abandon this way of waking up in favor of a conventional analog clock: it does not force you to dive into the world of the Internet in the morning. Scientists favor and against the use of a smartphone before bedtime. Try to turn it off at night to pay this time with friends and family.