Apple is known for his passion for patenting literally every step and every thought of its engineers, but still its patent aspirations dealt mainly with high-tech solutions. Now the company has received a patent for the appearance of its flagship store retail Apple Store.

The famous Apple store on Fifth Avenue in New York, also known as "glass cube". He capped an entrance to the underground outlet total area of 25,000 square feet (about 2300 m. M). In the cube placed wide spiral staircase and elevator shaft. The shop was opened on 19 May 2006, in the creation of his architectural office participated Bohlin Cywinski Jackson. Initially, the glass panels was 90, but in 2011, Apple has made the reconstruction and was only 15.

The patent under number 712.067, Apple issued this week, described the construction of a glass cube. As the inventors of the store appear eight people, including the company's founder Steve Jobs.
In September 2011, Apple has patented the architecture and design of a chain store in Shanghai. Apple Store in Shanghai's Pudong district also looks like a glass cylinder, staircase which leads to the room, located under the ground.

Design the Apple Store is one of the main components of the success of the retail Apple. In just one quarter of last year, almost 100 million people made purchases in the 424 outlets of American corporations worldwide. Manufacturer iPhone and iPad gets more profit per square meter of its retail space than any other player in the retail market in the United States.