New software interface Apple HealthKit designed to store all the important information about the physical condition of the person. Now the company is negotiating with the insurance companies on cooperation in the framework of the new health service. In Cupertino plan to sign important contracts before the public release of iOS 8.
As it became know, Apple is in talks with the nation's largest insurance corporations UnitedHealth and Humana options for interaction and support service HealthKit. Plan Apple - become a "center of medical data", which will be used not only for personal reasons, but will be available to physicians in the case of such necessity.
Personal data such as pressure, pulse, and weight are recorded in thousands of different applications, but the problem lies in the fact that they are stored centrally. Apple plans to bring it all together and hopes that doctors will use these data to improve the quality of health monitoring of patients between clinic visits.
HealthKit thus becomes a kind of global medical database in which to store a plurality of histories of patients. The program will be installed on the computers of doctors, patients and the data are likely to be sent to a cloud server.
Initiative should also help to improve the diagnosis of disease and making decisions about treatment. Of course, the company will have to solve the problem of confidentiality of personal data, but it certainly is a great idea: never before such an enormous amount of information was not available for use by doctors at the right time and with the right purpose.
In early August, it was reported that Apple is in talks with the Medical Center, Mount Sinai, Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins Hospital and medical device company Epic Systems.