messenger Secret, allowing anonymous soobscheniyami- share "secrets" with an audience of service and try to guess when a new "secret" is published by one of his friends, disappeared from the application directory of the Brazilian App Store. Apple removed the program by the local court .
Attorney Merselo Zenkner said Secret violates the constitution of Brazil, which is prohibited anonymous freedom of expression. He decided to delete the program, not only from the app store App Store, but remotely from smartphones of all Brazilians who have it installed. How Apple can get access to smartphones Brazilians to fulfill the requirement of a court, is not known. However, if the court's decision will not be executed in a timely manner, the American corporation should be required to pay for 20,000 Brazilian reals for each day of delay (about 320 000 rubles.).
Secret mobile service allows you to anonymously share soobscheniyami- "secrets" with an audience of service, including with his unnamed friends added from the contact book and other social networks. After registration, the user can send anonymous messages and read other publications. If it integrates the application with a list of contacts on your phone and point your location, the application will provide for him the "secrets" from his friends, friends of his friends, as well as users who are nearby.
Furthermore Secret victim of the judgment in Brazil was its counterpart Cryptic for Windows Phone.