Today, the company Apple, from 2012, is the most expensive in the world, overcame another important milestone - kupertintsev capitalization surpassed the mark of $ 600 billion. According to data exchange Nasdaq.

At the close of trading on Thursday, shares of the cost of "fruit" giant was $ 100.58, and the capitalization was estimated at $ 602.74 billion. Eve securities Apple raised the price to $ 101.09 - the cost of the historical record, breaking the previous record set in September 2012 year.
Earlier this year, Apple held a split - a breakdown of each share to seven securities. In September 2012, an absolute record price was set at $ 705 per share, which is now considering a split would be $ 100.71.
In October 2010, Apple shares were worth $ 300 apiece, and in July 2011, has topped $ 400.Mark of $ 500 per share was passed February 13, 2012 after a two-week period of growth caused by shiny performance of the company in the first fiscal quarter.
Apple's stock began to fall sharply after the publication of reports at the end of 2012. Then the profit of the company for the IV quarter grew by only 1%, to $ 13.1 billion. Sales "apple" of the empire increased by 18%, to $ 54.5 billion, were below analysts' forecasts $ 54.9 billion. "Losing streak" began in October 2012, when Cook presented the public with iPad mini.

The current record price growth experts associated with the successful results of the last reporting quarter. Apple's revenue for the April-June rose by 6% to $ 37.4 billion and net income rose 12% to $ 7.75 billion. Securities Apple also rise on expectations of presentations of new products - two iPhone models with larger screens and smart hours. In addition, the Corporation held a share split in the ratio of seven for one, which made them available to a wider range of investors.
From the beginning, the value of Apple's stock rose more than a quarter. Market capitalization allows Apple to keep the title of the largest companies in the world - the cost of its nearest competitor, the oil company Exxon Mobil, valued at $ 425.2 billion.