Friday, August 29, 2014

Bloomberg confirmed the announcement on September 9 iWatch

Two new models of the iPhone will not be the only new products that Apple will show September 9th . A few days ago this authors reported Re / code , and today confirmed observers business publications Bloomberg, citing its own sources. According to foreign media reports, less than two weeks, Apple will introduce a "smart" watch iWatch. They will be closely integrated with fitness platform HealthKit, which was presented at WWDC 2014.
iWatch can transfer iPhone statistics on the health status of its owner and his sporting achievements. These data will be included in the application "Health", which appeared in the operating system iOS 8. Release "G" is scheduled for mid-September.
According to the publication, the smart watch Apple also will be associated with HomeKit - Apple platform for home electronics. Presumably, users can adjust the lighting, include Bluetooth-bulbs, lock and unlock the doors, put the house on the alarm system, etc. directly from the iWatch.
It is assumed that the watch will run the new iOS 8. This reliable news images on the web is still there, but the appearance and technical characteristics of iWatch walks a lot of rumors, and third-party designers create their own concepts.
Analysts, however, believe that the iWatch waiting unprecedented market success. The experts at UBS believe that in 2015 Apple will be able to earn from selling iWatch $ 6,5 billion, and in 2016 another $ 11 billion.