Apple has released two promotional videos for the tablet iPad, which brought together the history of the owners of these devices. Each of them found a place in the rollers and each of these stories inspired company.

New clips " Jason's Verse "and" Yaoband's Verse "talk about life experimental music group from China and veloaktivista Detroit Jason Hall. Within the advertising series «What will your Verse be» Apple reveals the theme so that all human life is like a poem, so different and unlike each other. The main message, the video is: "What will your verse?".
A detailed history is available on site Apple. Jason Hall, organizes a series of biking in Detroit.They are, in his opinion, help people to take a fresh look at life in the city and see in it a new potential. Hall believes that this can only be seen while riding a bike. Chinese musical group Yaoband iPad Air turned into a mobile studio to record a new audio track. Musicians believe that the iPad helps them less likely to apply to work in the studio.