Wednesday, August 20, 2014

iPad Air second generation will receive 2 GB of RAM to support the new multitasking

The imminent announcement of the smartphone next-generation iPhone 6 is accompanied by numerous rumors and leaks about the alleged characteristics of the smartphone. However, insiders do not pass by, and another potential "apple" product - the tablet iPad Air second generation. As reported on Wednesday Taiwanese resource TechNews, a new model of the device goes beyond the traditional limits odnogigabaytnye Apple.

According to informed sources, iPad Air 2 is endowed with 2 gigs of RAM instead of 1 GB in the current model. Increasing the amount of RAM provide performance gains when multitasking and web surfing, since the simultaneous operation of multiple applications there is a need for a large amount of RAM.
2GB storage may seem limited, especially given the fact that the Android-devices already getting to close to the 4-gigabyte RAM. However, conservative views Apple's mobile equipment associated with two objective things. Firstly, the more RAM you have, the higher the overall power consumption of gadgets. Secondly, deep and careful optimization of iOS allows it to exist quite comfortably and applications on the area even 1GB.
Need to increase the RAM on the iPad associated with the alleged appearance in iOS 8 new resource-intensive multitasking with split screen into two parts. As a result, users can operate on plates with two applications simultaneously. Now the tablet Apple will not work simultaneously with several programs that, in some situations, it may be very convenient.
Official appearance iPad Air 2 is expected to close by the end of this year. The gadget is to get a faster processor A8 and even slimmer. Presentation of the second-generation iPad Air (iPad 6) can be held in October in conjunction with the announcement of the iPad mini 3.