Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pebble hired designers webOS for processing interface smart watches

Manufacturing company is the most popular in the world of "smart" watches Pebble plans to update the software interface of these devices in the face of the coming confrontation with Android Wear and iWatch. For this purpose, according to The Verge, the company has hired two designers to develop the user interface before webOS.

During its short history, the mobile operating system webOS three times changed the host.Initially the system is designed for use in Palm smartphones. In 2010, HP bought Palm for $ 1.2 billion, received the rights to webOS. However, HP has released on the basis of this system, only a few smartphones and only tablet TouchPad, who gained success in the market. In December 2011, HP has opened the source code of the operating system developer community. In March of 2013 the right to webOS bought LG Electronics.
Main creator appearance webOS is Matias Duarte, who now holds the chair Google vice president of design. Therefore Pebble had to hire two other experts - Itaya Vonsheka and Liron Damir, who worked on the design of webOS from HP. In Pebble say that they intend to focus on products that advocate the principle of openness, appealing to the roots of webOS.
Observers believe that the Pebble plans to modify the user interface "smart" watch in the face of competing platforms Android Wear and potential iWatch. But it does not matter, because everyone knows that the most important thing in any product made in the convenience of interacting with it.