An expert in the field of information security, Mark Robert researched method of abduction PIN bank cards with a cover for the iPhone with an infrared camera, which measures the temperature on the keypad of the ATM. About that, what consequences may result dissemination of accessories and how to protect themselves from such threats Mark told on the video on YouTube.
Fingertips make keys that pushes people to the ATM or electronic bank card reader, warmer than the rest. Temperature also allows you to define the sequence and clicking - the "hot" key is pressed last. Using the reverse sequence, fraudsters can easily learn the correct PIN.
Expert investigated atms of two types - a metal keyboard and the second with a plastic. With metal buttons were harder to read the temperature of the keys by the infrared camera iPhone, as the image is accompanied by excessive "noise". Plastic buttons have been less problematic.
The experiment showed that the PIN is easily possible to steal user standing in line at the ATM to a man who had just made a transaction with the card. In 80% of cases of hacking attempt is successful. In cases when the interval between ATM users, is one minute, the chance to get a PIN reaches 50%.
Protect against this type of attack is easy enough, says Robert. Enough to put fingers to the other buttons on the electronic reader. For the experiments cover from FLIR Systems , turns the iPhone into a mobile imager.