After the official release of iOS 8 users of mobile devices from Apple will be available a few new features of the system, among which occupies a special place support for third-party keyboards. Developers Fleksy, Swype, SwiftKey and TouchPal have already expressed their desire to release its own keyboard for a new mobile operating system from Apple. Swype team and Fleksy set themselves the task to simplify the process of entering text by adding different gestures and improve the predictive text algorithm. In turn, the keyboard QuickBoard allows the user to insert into the text expression and the finished recording.

Physical addresses, credit card information, e-mail address - all this can be pre-saved using QuickBoard, then to insert templates depending on the situation. Interface QuickBoard conditionally divided into three sections: TextBoard, MeBoard and LocationBoard. With TextBoard user can add to your pre-prepared messages and expressions. This text sample can then be used in other applications: Mail, Safari, Messages, Notes, iWork.
MeBoard section contains all the contact information about the user (name, home address, e-mail, and so on), some fragments of which can also be inserted into the text. LocationBoard automatically determines the location of the device owner, the information of which he will also be able to share.

The keyboard QuickBoard have access to basic text formatting keys. Set the main text by using the predictive algorithm. Currently the application is in beta testing. Kevin Volkober, the developer of the program, promises to present the final version at the time of launch of iOS 8.