Friday, August 15, 2014

Samsung and Apple will be the main players in the market of "smart" watches

Principal analyst resource Jackdaw Research Ian Dawson convinced that in the near future the market of "smart" watches will be divided between Samsung and Apple. According to him, companies that want to begin production of wearable electronics, should abandon this idea, and those who have already presented their products, it is necessary to quickly change their plans. The only chance for the manufacturer to find its niche in the market has not yet formed, according to Ian Dawson, is the search for solutions to the problem of battery life "smart" watches.
Samsung и Apple станут главными игроками на рынке "умных" часов

"We do not recommend that manufacturers continue to invest so heavily in a market that does not show a large growth and is not profitable. Unlikely that more than one or two small manufacturer will be able to take its place on the market of "smart" watches in face of competition from Samsung and Apple "- says Jan Dawson.
Recall that Samsung has not been able to interest buyers with their first "smart" watch Galaxy Gear, which many people after the acquisition back on the market, but with the release of the second generation of the company's affairs Gear 2 went much better. Also, now the most popular models of "smart" watches are G Watch from LG and anticipated Motorola Moto 360, which will be presented on September 4.
The assurances of resource Jackdaw Research, companies such as HTC, HP and Asus, which produce their own "smart" watch will not be able to get a great popularity in the new segment.
Most anticipated "smart" watch are iWatch company Apple, rumors are circulating the web over the past few years. It is expected that they will be presented in October, and for the first year Apple will be able to realize 30 to 60 million units.