Saturday, August 16, 2014

Samsung SmartThings acquired for $ 200 million

Samsung has officially announced the acquisition of SmartThings. According to reports from some sources, the transaction amounts to $ 200 million. In this case, the CEO and founder of SmartThings Alex Hawkinson will remain at his post, and the company will continue to operate independently from the South Korean giant. SmartThings was founded in 2012 and is the developer of open platform Internet of Things and controllers for "smart" houses.
Samsung приобрела компанию SmartThings за 200 миллионов долларов

During the transaction, the company will move its office SmartThings from Washington in Palo Alto (California), where the listed open innovation center (OIC) Samsung, which was created to develop a variety of innovative applications and services. Currently open platform Internet of Things supports more than 1000 devices and 8000 applications.
"SmartThings created a great community partners and developers, and now offers the world's largest platform for managing" smart "houses. Connected devices have long been a strategically important direction for Samsung. As Alex and his team, we want to improve the convenience of people's lives by providing their devices and equipment management functions using your voice to make the process as simple as possible interaction occurred. We are going to support the platform SmartThings, to promote its incredible development ", - commented on the transaction, David Yong, head of the OIC.
"By developing an open platform Internet of Things, we have sought to innovate, to make the world more intelligent. With the support of Samsung, we can attract more manufacturers and developers to provide users with a platform Internet of Things limitless possibilities. We are very pleased to become part of the family and Samsung will continue to strive for achieving its goal - to make every home a clever, "- said Alex Hawkinson.
More information about the capabilities of the platform Internet of Things you can visit the official site SmartThings.