Friday, August 15, 2014

Sony PlayStation 4 the seventh consecutive month of sales bypasses Xbox One

The exhibition Gamescom 2014 Sony announced that for the first nine months after the start of sales worldwide were sold 10 million next-gen consoles PlayStation 4. company NPD Group, provides information about the state of the market, consumers and retailers, to provide reports on sales of video game consoles in July of this year. According to these data, Sony is the seventh consecutive month of sales bypasses to Microsoft.
Sony PlayStation 4 седьмой месяц подряд обходит по продажам Xbox One

Unfortunately, Microsoft does not publish any information about the number of sold Xbox One. But the company Nintendo, on the other hand, boasted that this year's Wii U console sales are much better than in the past: in the first seven months of this year, sales of Wii U increased by 60% compared to the same period in 2013. In many ways, increasing sales console Wii U is due to release a new game Mario Kart 8.
The company NPD reports that in the United States sales of consoles in July has almost doubled compared to last year and now stands at 198.8 million dollars. While retail sales of video games continues to decline, and, in comparison with the same period last year, decreased by 20%, while revenue decreased from 210.1 million dollars to 178.2 million dollars.