Friday, August 15, 2014

The market share of Windows Phone has dropped to 2.5%

The second quarter of this year was quite difficult for the company Microsoft. During this period redmondovskim manufacturer was represented only a couple of new products, in addition, took the final transition of Nokia's mobile division under the direction of Microsoft. As a result, an international provider of market research IDC reported that shipments of devices based on the operating system Windows Phone declined from 8.2 million in the second quarter of 2013 to 7.4 million in the same period this year. In this case, the market share of Windows Phone has fallen from 3.4% to 2.5%.
Рыночная доля Windows Phone снизилась до 2,5%

The share of iOS and Blackberry dropped even more than the Windows Phone - 1.3% and 2.3%, respectively. The market share of Android has grown by 5.1% and now stands at an incredible 84.7%.

Рыночная доля Windows Phone снизилась до 2,5%

It should be noted that soon the situation can improve Windows Phone since Microsoft began a partnership with a variety of new producers who will produce their devices on Windows Phone in the third quarter of this year.