Monday, September 8, 2014

Apple has enhanced the protection iCloud after the mass leak photos of celebrities

In accordance with a promise to take additional measures of security Apple has begun to notify users of the iCloud login attempt an account through the website Once people "zaloginivaetsya" on the company's website, the mail comes an email indicating the exact date and time of entry. Increased security measures related to the recent large-scale diversion of intimate photos of Hollywood stars.

Previously, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the user will be informed about the attempts to change the password to his account, make a copy of the available data on his device and connect it to the new device account. After receiving the "alarm" people will be able to immediately change the password to your account, or contact Security Apple. In the first stage until earned email alerts in the future the company will send a push-notification on the iPhone and the iPad.
"With your Apple ID included in iCloud, using a web browser.
Date and Time: September 8, 2014, 09:20 PDT
If you have recently entered into, ignore this message.
If you have not recently entered into and think that someone else could get access to your account, you need to reset the password in the My Apple ID »
Innovation is directly connected with the case earlier this month mass leak of intimate pictures of American celebrities, stored on a server iCloud. It is worth noting that there is no "gap" in the data protection system was not Apple. As stated in the company, "hackers managed to gain access to the accounts of stars correctly answering the security question, or from the use of phishing techniques".
Search attackers lay out in the open access private pictures already was engaged in the FBI .