Apple is working on its own virtual reality helmet, designed to work with the iPhone and iPad, reports PatentlyApple with reference to the company's patent application.

The publication notes that Apple has received a patent on related technologies. The developing device may serve the purpose of creating a "unique set of sensations of use of mobile products."
The submission engineers describe a system with two screens. Points are recorded on the head, which are equipped with soft inserts. It is proposed to use in wearable displays both central and peripheral vision that will enhance the information content and ease of use of such devices. Using this technology, the user can view including a stereoscopic image or an image with the augmented reality.
The patent states that projected on the mini-screen information generated by mobile devices such as iPhone or iPad. In other words, wearing a gadget on your head, people can view videos or photos directly from smartphones and tablets.
According to the description of the device, the design of the helmet may include cameras, sensors and other equipment that helps to "feel" the environment. Date of announcement of the helmet from Apple, as well as the terms of sale, remains unknown.
Paradigm of perception of the entertainment industry began to change: earlier programmers create video games for PC, consoles and mobile devices, now seems to be the main trend of the gaming industry - portable simulators immersion in 3D-space.
One of the first high-profile modern developments was Oculus Rift from the company Oculus VR . This start-up has managed to attract investors and attracted about $ 91 million, which are necessary not only for scientific research, but also for advertising campaigns.
Prototypes of the device have long tested partners and journalists, and the release of the full version is scheduled for the end of this - the beginning of the next period. The helmet is perfect for video games, giving you the best possible immersion in virtual reality. Oculus Rift has already received positive feedback from a huge number of professional players and technologists gaming companies. Even the legendary creator of Doom and Quake, John Carmack, who recently left ID Software, became interested in the device and said that what a great future.

Samsung is also not left out: the company introduced a virtual reality helmet for Galaxy Note 4, dubbed Gear VR . In fact, Gear VR - it is only equipped with additional controls "dock" or "frame" for the smartphone, which opens in front of his own door to the world of virtual reality.The design of the helmet compartment is provided in which the user will have to establish a smartphone.