One of the most important moments in the comments of Apple's problem "bendable iPhone 6" - the so-called Bandgate - was the emphasis on the fact that none of the product is not produced without rigorous testing. Knowing the highest level of secrecy in the development of new devices, it is not surprising that the company has not given product testing in the hands of third parties beyond the control of the companies, and built their own "testing ground".

As proof of the desire to provide high quality of its products Apple has allowed reporters to look behind the scenes of some of the closed campus offices: multimillion-dollar test labs. Once the laboratory Apple were secret even for employees and called "black labs" (black labs). Now there are several dozens of engineers who are experts in the field of physics and mechanics, who are developing and testing new products of the company.

In test labs iPhone are the most severe tests: at Apple need to make sure that smartphones will split not from an accidental fall, and the buttons will not break after prolonged use. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, like other products of the company have passed a pressure test. On the phone weighs 25 kg press. Withstood the test device is not bent or broken if they accidentally catch. Smartphones are subject to torsion test: so Apple checks reliability accidental drops and other mechanical influences.

In test laboratories are tested buttons: on a special machine is simulated several hundred thousand successive clicks. If the buttons pass this test, their design is considered to be reliable. There is also a test for resistance to water damage and scratching. First iPhone is placed in a special container with plastic cones and then the protective glass of the display is exposed to keys and coins.

Apple has stressed that the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus each held more than 15 000 tests - more than any other model. In addition, before the start of sales of the company's thousands of employees conducted test gadgets in the field. This approach eliminates the likelihood that the device will be released with the defect.