Friday, September 12, 2014

Creator of Tesla Elon Musk compared with Steve Jobs

On the technology firmament brighter every day burns a supernova - a star Elon Musk. It has not yet eclipsed Steve Jobs, who is an icon for all startups of the planet, but the brightness is already very close to it. Increasingly mask and Jobs compared with each other, sometimes ignite debate who is better. These people are completely different principles, goals and vision, and most of the people involved in the dispute are confident that Steve and compare Elon, at least, strange. But even the skeptics could not resist. AIN proposed the most interesting similarities and differences that are listed users Quora.

Musk steeper Jobs

- Elon Musk is not the next Steve Jobs! He next Tony Stark! Elon Musk - the legend!
- I've been working on Mask five and a half years, and he, without question, one of the most brilliant, moving and charismatic people I have ever met. Jobs and sloppy mask. Elon - a Wernher von Braun, Howard Haggis, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or any other bully in one bottle. Elon - a phenomenon, an anomaly in human nature.
- Call me crazy, but Elon Musk likely next Dr. Evil. Just look at his Twitter.
- If Jobs did something at least similar to what has already made a mask, I would write this post with a thought of a flying car, dammit.
- Steve Jobs wanted to make money. Elon Musk wants to make humanity better. Jobs patented every little thing that his staff integrated into its products. Musk hates patents. Jobs is famous because he gave the world the music player. Musk is less known for what has launched the first commercial flights into space, has changed the approach to online payment and created environmentally friendly cars. Jobs stole ideas and put them on their logo. Musk produced a revolution in the old industries, making them the new industries. Jobs popularized the products that make his partners. The mask did not bother the popularity of its products, as long as they carried out their work. Conclusion: Musk far ahead of Jobs and much better than he ever was.
- Compared to Elon Musk, Steve Jobs looks a child. Jobs never claimed to be something to change or improve humanity. He just gave us a set of toys.
- Steve Jobs - the most overrated person in the world. And Elon Musk - the most underrated.

Jobs steeper Mask

- Coolness Elon Musk does not diminish the greatness of Steve Jobs. Personal computers, smart phones and digital music - all this we have thanks to Steve Jobs. One can not deny the fact that he was one of the pioneers in the field of personal computers. If not for him, computers would belong to large corporations and never would stand at home. Smartphones, which we conceive them today, we would have never had - we would have phones based on Symbian or Windows Mobile, controlled by the stylus. The same applies to the whole innovation industry, part of which are the iPod, iTunes and the iPad.
- I've never worked on Elon Musk, but it worked for Steve Jobs and personally met him. He was not a "nice" person, but those who think that his only motive was profit, does not know what he is talking. He was completely obsessed with the idea to realize the ideals of Plato.Most touches me that this whole thread is living in a world created by Steve Jobs (whatever you do not use - Windows, MacOS, Android or iOS - it's all thanks to Steve, well, except that in addition to Linux). His vision is so integrated into daily life that people are no longer aware of this report. Elon Musk with his vision and products live in a world created by Steve Jobs, and would have been impossible without it. I sincerely hope that the ideas of Elona will continue to move into reality and drive a wedge into our daily lives, but as long as these times are not ripe.
- At Elon Musk is an amazing idea, but it is not one of those who just sat down and came up with a rocket engine using liquid fuel. He did not, Wernher von Braun. He did not invent PayPal - it saw a good idea for a business and invested in it. He's a good businessman! Who created the first electric car? Not a mask - they already exist for about a century. Who created the world's first commercial spaceship? Competitor Mask - Orbital, founded in 1990!Musk is not super scientist, he is not a great engineer. He is a businessman, and thank God that he employs super scientists, but it does not make it better than those who run companies General Electric, Honda, Netflix, Orbital Sciences and others.
- Steve Jobs created Apple. At present, Apple generates $ 170 billion annual profit. This 1% of GDP the United States, no other company in the world even come close to such indicators.Elon - a rising star in the world of business, but to put it on par with Jobs, Gates, Ellison, Page and Brin, Hewlett and Packard and other technology innovators very prematurely. Let's not be too quick to equate to due the world that they built for us.

Jobs and Musk both steep

- Elon Musk technologist. He wants to create a country of futuristic space technologies. And Jobs wanted to create a country of fine consumer products.
- Steve Jobs is a great man who influenced the way we interact with machines. Elon Musk can change the way the machine can serve us.
- Steve Jobs businessman. Elon Musk engineer. These are different things.
- Steve Jobs has achieved success by making the complex simple. And Elon Musk has achieved success by making the complex accessible. They have something in common, but in general they are different people, except that they both - successful businessmen.
- Elon Musk - Tesla is the next, but this time priced people. His style is reminiscent of the approach of scientists to technology in the 20th century. Steve Jobs is probably the next Lenin, if he grew up in California in the 20th century. I did not fully understand how such an association, but in my mind it seems to be correct.
- Steve Jobs - brilliant marketer, while Elon Musk - Leonardo da Vinci of our time.
- They both are under the common denominator being the greatest visionaries in the world.The only difference is that Steve Jobs has catapulted us for 5 years in the future, and Elon Musk can do the same thing, but the next 50 years.