Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Epson Runsense and Pulsense - fitness bracelets from the leader in the market of office printers

Over the past two years, the fashion for wearable electronics has become particularly popular among users and in the camp of many developers. The creation of "smart" bracelets, watches and eyewear augmented reality is already engaged in almost all major manufacturers. But when the game enters a company known for more than just a line on the office equipment, the trend of total insanity on wearable gadgets can accept official. Recently, it became known that Epson (one of the leaders in the manufacture of printers) decided to release immediately the two series of fitness bracelets for outdoor enthusiasts and those who simply want to monitor their health.
Epson Runsense и Pulsense - фитнес-браслеты от лидера на рынке офисных принтеров

Epson Runsense и Pulsense - фитнес-браслеты от лидера на рынке офисных принтеров
Each line has its own characteristics. Model in a series of Runsense can track your movement, even if the GPS signal is lost. This contributes integrated sensor pedometer capable operate autonomously to 30 hours until the charge is completed. In standby mode, the bracelet can go without recharging for days.
Epson Runsense и Pulsense - фитнес-браслеты от лидера на рынке офисных принтеров
Ruler Pulsense monitors heart rate, duration and quality of sleep, using a combination of optical sensors and motion detectors. The developers believe that the accessory users will almost always be on hand. But the volume of the internal battery requires recharging at least once every two days. How will combine autonomy and continuous operation of the gadget, still remains a secret.
Epson Runsense и Pulsense - фитнес-браслеты от лидера на рынке офисных принтеров
In each of the lines there are multiple devices to choose from. Pulsense divided into simple LED bracelet PS 100 for $ 129 (£ 130) and 500 PS with LCD display and USB port for syncing for $ 199 (£ 170). Runsense series starts with the basic version of the SF 310 150 £.For a more advanced version of the SF 510 with pedometer and touch sensors will have to pay £ 190. Older version of the SF 710 will cost £ 230 and includes a learning function, the sensor height and Vibrate.
Epson Runsense и Pulsense - фитнес-браслеты от лидера на рынке офисных принтеров
All bracelets are synchronized with your smartphone and send him the information for statistical purposes. Both series will be presented at the European and American markets at the same time, but the exact release date has not.