Apple Watch have not yet reached the market, but the passion around the device is already heating up, including legislation. The Department of Transport has decided to equate watch Apple's mobile phone and forbid drivers to use them while driving.

Apple Watch are also prohibited for drivers, as well as cell phones. The people behind the wheel who violate the ban will face a penalty of three penalty points and a fine of £ 100 (€ 125).
Now in the UK, if the court will prove that a driver using a cell phone and was responsible for traffic fatalities, he faces a sentence of 2 years imprisonment. It should be noted that in the United States, the driver talking on the phone while driving could face fines of up to $ 10,000 and one year in prison (depending on the state).
The buzz around Apple Watch rose immediately after the presentation of the device. British Institute of Professional Driving (IAM) issued an official statement in which, in particular, said: "The new Apple device will significantly reduce drivers' attention will distract them from the road and to provoke an accident." Experts particularly drew attention to the fact that the clock will always receive the notification and to view them motorist "should be removed from the steering wheel, even not one but two hands."
Apple Watch hit the market in early 2015. By synchronizing with the iPhone, they will be able to receive notifications from social networks, SMS, and e-mail messages, play music, navigation and more; gadget also will work as a calorie counter, pedometer, heart rate monitor and a number of other devices.