Tuesday, September 23, 2014

IOS 8.0.1 update fixes bugs in the keyboard, Safari and Phone

Apple has distributed among the operators of pre-release versions of the first update for iOS 8, said Tuesday MacRumors. Based on the history of previous updates "apple" of mobile platforms, versions of iOS 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 will be corrected basic flaws identified after the public launch, and in the assembly of iOS 8.1 may be new features and support for new devices.

According to information available to the source, iOS 8.0.1 fixes a number of technical errors.In particular, Apple will solve the problem with video playback in Safari, trickling through Passbook AirDrop and creating profiles VPN.
List of changes in iOS 8.0.1 for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad:
  • Phone: corrected a fault related to the function redirects calls and hangs voicemail.
  • Keyboard: solved the problem with the keyboard when you enter the verification code in the Keychain iCloud.
  • Safari: Fixed bug with video playback.
  • Sharing: Fixed bug with sending content via Passbook AirDrop.
  • VPN: the problem with the installation of VPN-profile.
Company Crittercism, study the stability of the software on the "apple" of the operating system, argues that the application for iOS 8 "fall" much more frequently than in previous versions of the operating system, Apple's sixth and seventh generations. According to analysts, the increased failure rate due to too many software innovations in the "eight". It is expected that the iOS 8.0.1 update will solve the main problems of the new platform.
As of Tuesday, September 17 released iOS 8 is already installed on 46% of Apple mobile devices .