Tuesday, September 16, 2014

NFC in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be limited to payments Apple Pay

Ability to integrate smartphones iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus module NFC will be restricted to handling transactions in the payment system, Apple Pay. Other features wireless technology will initially be available to users. This is related by Apple representatives in electronic communication with Cultofmac.

The wireless short-range communication NFC enables exchange of information over a distance of about 10 cm. Technology can be used to connect various devices in an electronic key for reading various information labels, etc.
As fingerprint Touch ID smartphones iPhone 5s was closed for developers in iOS 7, the NFC chip in the iPhone 6 will initially only participate in the processing of payments. In iOS 8, as we know, Apple has expanded the functional fingerprint module. Chip near-contact communication iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, in turn, must obtain a wider range of possibilities with the release of iOS 9 in 2015.
In other words, developers will not be able to use NFC in mobile applications, at least during the first year after the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in the market. On the future plans of the NFC Apple has silent.