Sunday, September 21, 2014

Staff at MIT turned smartphone in the second computer screen

Of course, there are now countless applications that allow you to quickly transfer files between phone and computer, but the video was published a few days ago, a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, shows something more complex than a simple data synchronization. 
Сотрудники MIT превратили смартфон во второй экран компьютера

Two teams of researchers have developed a system for smartphones called THAW, which allows you to not only share files, but do it in a kind of interactive mode. In addition, THAW provides an opportunity to do extraordinary things when it comes to games - thanks to her phone is not just a game controller, and a full-fledged gaming tool, without which the passing game virtually impossible. Overall smartphone usage scenarios, "pumped" using THAW, may be a great many.
Of course, some of the features shown on the video have already been implemented by other developers, for example, to continue working in the browser on your smartphone reminds Continuity function in iOS 8. addition of wireless communication interfaces, the system uses the accelerometer THAW and the posterior chamber of the smartphone, which captures an image from the screen monitor, and additional software algorithms to allow the phone to manipulate virtual objects by the user. Unfortunately, the more technical details and the probability of release for the end user are not disclosed. It is possible that the project will never leave the walls of MIT.