Thursday, October 9, 2014

Apple delayed the release of 12.9-inch iPad Pro due to the high demand for the iPhone 6 Plus

Apple has decided to postpone the release of 12.9-inch iPad Pro coupled with a high demand for "phablet" of iPhone 6 Plus. On Thursday the newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

In Cupertino planned to start mass production of iPad Pro in December, but revised their plans due to the fact that Apple is not satisfied with the volume of supply of components for the new iPhone with large partners.
"The main priority of the supply chain is to satisfy the demand for smart phones iPhone screens bigger. Supplies for the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus is still insufficient, - the source WSJ. - Manufacturers of screens would be difficult to diversify their resources for a few months to ramp up production for the new iPad with a larger screen".
In addition, Foxconn, which is garbage Smartphones iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, there are problems with hiring enough staff to work on new devices.
The fact that Apple is preparing a 12.9-inch iPad Pro, sources reported repeatedly. This week it became known that the company's engineers are working on two prototypes - one is a hybrid solution and can work as a desktop OS X, and with the mobile iOS, the other is a traditional tablet on iOS 8.
In other words, in the near future, Apple may introduce or heavily modified to operate with touch screen OS X, or friendly to the "large-caliber" screens iOS, any solution to the parallel use of both systems. A device with a screen diagonal of 12.9 inches should "shake the line iPad», as sales of tablets fell over the last two quarters.
October 16th Apple will hold a special event at which present an updated tablet iPad Air, and new Mac models with a display Retina. After the event is expected to release a new platform OS X Yosemite for the Mac.