Sunday, October 5, 2014

Apple has blocked the Trojan iWorm, infecting 17,000 computers Mac

Apple Mac users informed about the firmware update mechanism of protection against Trojan Mac.BackDoor.iWorm, which iPhoneBul wrote this week . This "malware" allows you to perform on infected "make" a wide range of different commands received from intruders.According to the company "Doctor Web" and more than 17,000 Mac computers infected with the Trojan.

On Sunday, Apple updated the built-in protection mechanism on OS X, which is now successfully identifies and blocks OSX.iWorm.A and OSX.iWorm.B. The update installs on the OS automatically and prevents the execution of infected files with the help of technology Apple Xprotect. This function is named after the file Xprotect.plist, storing malware signatures, was first released in August 2009, simultaneously with the debut of Mac OS X 10.6. Using Xprotect, the company can automatically block dangerous file types.
The greatest number of zombie computers located in the United States - there are more than 4500. 1200 infected Mac found in the UK and Canada. A few hundred nodes botnet managed to find in Australia, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Russia was the least "contaminated" country - we have experts found only 342 of the computer.
Researchers have noted an unusual way of working iWorm - for a list of management servers, it is sent to a popular site for geeks The list of servers is published in the open form as a comment to one of the topics on the forum created.
Infecting Mac, the Trojan is able to perform various system commands, download files, transfer to the management server different information. The purpose of creating a botnet yet remains unknown. Most zombie networks are used to send spam, organizing DDoS-attacks and other malicious activities.