Thursday, October 9, 2014

CEO of Foxconn accused competitors Apple's of spreading rumors about the bendable iPhone 6 Plus

Not so long ago, in blogs and media reports from users who have complained about the low strength of the body iPhone 6 Plus. According to statements by placing a smartphone in your back pocket and sit down, the phone is folded. CEO of Foxconn Terry Gou expressed the opinion that in such stories are rivals Apple. It was they who instigated the buzz around an imaginary defect iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
Глава Foxconn обвинил конкурентов Apple в распространении слухов о гнущихся iPhone 6 Plus

Who are the producers could order an information war against Apple, Go does not have. "How is it may bend the phone? All of this information comes from the competitors. Do not believe blindly everything that they say" - he said, holding the iPhone.
"Hands need for handshakes and not to stick to anything" - quotes Onliner Terry Gou.
After the release of the iPhone 6 Plus is the web began to complain that the machine, if you put it in the back pocket of his pants, can lose its original shape. In the discussion of this phenomenon in the Twitter hashtag was born #Bendgate. A YouTube users began to experiment with a test iPhone 6 Plus for durability.

Spent their stress test and the authors of the popular YouTube-Channel Unbox Therapy, allegedly proving that the gadget easily bends in their hands. "This is a huge piece of aluminum, which bends under the pressure of my hands" - said Lewis Hilsengeter of UT, calling everyone whose smartphone "suffered" from his pocket, and do not hesitate to report it immediately. This video has collected two weeks more than 53 million views.