Saturday, October 4, 2014

Google is developing modular displays

Inside the mysterious Google X research lab are constantly held various development, the most successful and promising of which are shown in the end the world. It was in this laboratory have been created "smart" glasses Google Glass, balloons Project Loon, delivering the Internet to where it does not exist, cars that drive without a driver, and recently there are already developing modular smartphonesAra Project . 
Google разрабатывает модульные дисплеи

Known resource The Wall Street Journal reported on yet another unusual project that developed a team of researchers Google X. According to the source, the company is working on a giant modular displays that can be connected to each other to get one very large image.
It is reported that the project is working, Mary Lou Jepsen, the chief engineer on the creation of laptops available for the formation of One Laptop Per Child and former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At OLPC she developed display, impervious to sunlight. Unfortunately, details about the new Google project have not been disclosed, but a source said that large displays can be stacked in the construction of various sizes and shapes, as a popular designer of Lego.
Research director at NPD DisplaySearch sure that the new project will simultaneously deal with Google, for example, photo mail, Web surfing, and other daily activities.