Saturday, October 4, 2014

Google wanted to buy Cyanogen, but was refused

The openness of the Android operating system has allowed to create hundreds of custom firmware and even some platforms such as Amazon Fire OS or Nokia X. The most popular unofficial firmware based on Android today considered CyanogenMod, and it is engaged in the development of the company Cyanogen, which until recently was a small group of developers. 
Google хотела приобрести Cyanogen, но получила отказ

As it became known, Sundar Pichai, Google's vice president and head of Android, the company's management contacted Cyanogen with a proposal for the acquisition, but was rejected. This was officially announced CEO Cyanogen Kirt McMaster in a report to investors.
Unfortunately, Google's plans with respect to Cyanogen not disclosed. According Kirt McMaster, Cyanogen will continue to develop on its own and plans to become the third most popular mobile ecosystem. The company hopes to receive an investment of $ 1 billion.Earlier this year, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also met with representatives of Cyanogen for cooperation.