Saturday, October 4, 2014

Suggested to play: the game with augmented reality

Interesting fact: the game with augmented reality (or AR) appeared a long time ago, and almost any gadget, where there is a camera able to cope with them. But the popularity of this genre is still no. Maybe it's the fact that most of these projects require the user to any physical effort - run, jump, get out into the street, after all. 
Советуем поиграть: игры с дополненной реальностью

Maybe humanity just subconsciously afraid that if augmented reality confident interpose in our lives, then over time we stop to distinguish the boundary between the real and the virtual. And predictions come true ideologues cyberpunk (and grandmothers, who firmly believe that the computer is "sucks"). However, AR-development - a very interesting and little-studied format. To fill the gap, we present five different projects, where the main camera - the main party event.

Real Strike - The Original 3D Augmented Reality FPS Gun App

Real Strike (full name, perhaps, will not write) - a great example for those who like apocalyptic conclusions: even in the official description of the app on iTunes the first line comes a warning that you should not shoot people from a real weapon.
Советуем поиграть: игры с дополненной реальностью
You can really mix up: you enter the game, and the screen - what the lens sees smartphone, plus superimposed on top of the model weapons. Clicked on the screen - shot. No in-game opponents, so I have to recoup on people: you can "shoot" the noisy roommate, annoying teacher at a university or quietly "remove" a sniper rifle passersby. The main thing - do not get caught, and that people will come in the form.

For greater authenticity Real Strike allows you to include infrared and night mode: you can hunt for negligent home in the dark. And, of course, we join the developers in the use of weapons in the real world - do not forget that the game is always the game.

AR Basketball

Perfect embodiment of momentary fun for a coffee break - AR Basketball strongly suggest to run only on a special circle where attached QR-code.
Советуем поиграть: игры с дополненной реальностью
But you can do without utensils - enough said print code (see link in the description of the program), go to the app, point the camera at the leaf - and voila, the display materializes basketball hoop and ball. Lungs sharpened movements sending shells in a basket, and bored spending time - the subject of alternative history.
If we are in any way without the mugs, the leaf can stick to it - and surprise colleagues: why instead of drinking coffee, you have it for fifteen minutes in a row shot on camera?


Another instance, which is needed for a leaflet with the encrypted code. Initially you print Artful icon, then open the toy - and find yourself in the midst of a huge (and terribly confused) maze. Purpose - gently hold the red ball so that did not hurt and will not fall off.
Советуем поиграть: игры с дополненной реальностью
What is interesting, QR-code to this project a lot, and, more than the picture itself, the more the maze will be on your screen - the authors recommend gently seal almost an entire wall of your room. They say, and then you will know the joy of these walks on the monstrous maze.

We should also talk about the visuals: a fully three-dimensional, and everything does not look like from an artistic point of view. In AR-projects, as practice shows, the schedule can be no worse than in some kind of mobile shooter.


And this is one shooter, where there are quite tangible enemy - a role which often acts as your friend and companion. The bottom line is this: find like-minded people with a smartphone, mark it through the chamber (the game will mark his "yellow"), it marks you ("white") - and begin a fierce gunfight.
Советуем поиграть: игры с дополненной реальностью
Moreover, it is not not a figure of speech. Natural - catch in the crosshair being yellow, and then shoot - as in conventional fighters. If hit, the opponent will vibrate the phone and in the statistics will be written your victory.

The most interesting thing, of course, to play Paintball in the street - lots of space, you can hide and quiet campers. The main thing that the neighbors prosekli "chip" and inadvertently did not call a doctor.

AR Defender 2

On the mechanics and essentially AR Defender 2 - Classic Tower Defense. There is a tower, there are several units that protect it, there are a bunch of scoundrels who somehow itch destroy this tower. In general, the usual story for mobile projects; this in the App Store a dime a dozen.
Советуем поиграть: игры с дополненной реальностью
That's just the action takes place in ... but where do you want, there is going on! You go in the game, turn on the camera, and on top of the image - in fact, the battle for the unfortunate bastion. So that the war can be deployed and on the desk, and on the table, and in the campaign, and in the bath - in the latest version to get a great naval Battle.
By the way, unlike many competitors, engine AR Defender 2 is almost error-free experience their surroundings. That is, you can play even on uneven surfaces, and everything will be correctly computed and displayed.

Suggest your favorite games, and we will do a separate issue on the basis of your advice

Of course, we left behind more than a dozen AR-project. So if you know a couple of decent development of this exotic format, feel free to share them in the comments. Oh, and do not forget to express your opinion - do you think, will not result in any distribution of games augmented reality to the fact that sooner or later we will cease to distinguish where, in fact, reality and fiction?