Wednesday, December 10, 2014

American Forbes named YotaPhone 2 breakthrough year in the smartphone market

The authoritative American edition of Forbes has named Russian smartphone YotaPhone 2 most innovative in 2014. According to observers resource unit, went on sale last week, is "the most advanced smartphone" of the year.

"Delicious, fresh, innovative" - that these words Forbes commentators have described the development of a new Yota Devices.
In Forbes estimated the Russian smartphone design, stressing that the gadget has a more rounded shape compared to the angular YotaPhone first generation. With this apparatus lies better in the hand. Image quality, which is issued by built-in cameras, reporters call "acceptable", but not stunning. In addition, observers have approved the use of "native" Android.
The magazine notes that the smartphone has a number of disadvantages: low framerates on E-Ink-display and the absence of the illumination, as well as the presence of traces of the previous image, while updating the screen.
In Forbes believe that YotaPhone 2 is a breakthrough year. Developing the second generation smartphone, the creators of the phone took into account public comments regarding the first YotaPhone, eliminating all defects. Despite the shortcomings, the experts Forbes calling on them to close my eyes and think hard about buying YotaPhone 2.
"YotaPhone 2 - is a rare beast. On the one hand, it is quite radical to get people interested, and on the other - quite friendly and the normal user who is looking for something new and interesting" - writes Forbes.
Observers noted however that at the stated price (in the UK YotaPhone 2 will cost £ 555, or $ 720) smartphone hardware stuffing could be better.