Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Might look like a task manager for Apple Watch

Many developers are already speculating about creating your own applications for Apple Watch. Thus, the German designer Jakub Antalik concept created task manager, fully adapted to the wearable computer Apple.
Как может выглядеть менеджер задач для Apple Watch

In November, the company from Cupertino gave developers WatchKit - software with a set of tools that allow you to create iOS-app compatible with Apple Watch. Community of programmers can begin to produce software before as a gadget will be available to consumers. However, to write applications directly for hours while it is impossible - such an opportunity will appear only next year.
The German concept created an application that allows using Apple Watch manage to-do list: add new tasks, mark them the color you want, mark as completed. View tasks on the screen, you can, using conventional scrolls.
"I made the concept even before the publication of the guideline Apple, so it does not fully correspond to them. However, I have tried to solve some problems on their own front-end "- quoted Siliconus programmer.
Antalik believes technology Force Touch one of the most innovative solutions for developers.Because the clock screen recognizes the difference between touch and touch, the device offers a new way to quickly move to the controls in the application.