Apple has officially commented on the BBC journalistic investigation of violations in Chinese factories of the company. In Cupertino said they "deeply angered" publication of material information which is not true.

In the mailing list of 5,000 British employees Apple CEO wrote that he was deeply troubled statement that the corporation did not keep a promise to improve working conditions and deceived their clients.
"The article states that Apple did not improve working conditions in Chinese factories - a comment on Tim Cook. - Let me say, nothing could be further from the truth". According to the director, his company provided the BBC in advance some facts and projects that have been carried out to improve the situation, but in the program they are not mentioned.

BBC reporter secretly shot a video about how to work pickers at Chinese factory, which collects the iPhone and iPad. According to the journalist, the people working in extremely difficult conditions that do not meet the standards established by the company.
The journalist got a factory and worked at the plant for 18 days without a single day off in spite of requests for time off. Other employees of their work shifts lasted for 12 hours or more. BBC videotaped those who fell asleep on the job.
Several years ago, in the factories, where collect device Apple, a wave of suicides. In response, representatives of the company said that making extraordinary efforts to ensure fair and safe working conditions at the enterprises partners.