Friday, March 20, 2015

Graduation album of Steve Jobs put up on eBay for $ 4999

On the internet site eBay for sale yearbook Apple founder Steve Jobs. The initial cost of the lot is 4999 dollars.

It is known that Jobs did not like schoolwork. Elementary school teacher Mona Loma characterized him as a prankster, but thanks to the efforts of the teacher Miss Hill, who saw in the disciple outstanding abilities, he began to study hard and at the end of the school year so brilliantly passed the exams, the director offered to transfer him from fourth grade once in the seventh. In high school, Steve Jobs went to school in California Homestead.
Jobs graduated from high school in 1972. He then went to a private liberal arts college Reed in Portland, Oregon. After the first semester, he was dismissed at his own request, but remained to live in friends' rooms for about one and a half years, then in 1974 returned to California.
Graduation album belongs Jobs classmate from school Homestead. According to the owner of the lot, personally, he was not familiar with the founder of Apple, but knew his sister Petty, with whom he studied in the same class. According to CultofMac, on school photographs Steve Jobs is more like a rock musician, director general of the future than the world's largest corporations.
As for the price, the seller have a figure of $ 5,000. For the money you can buy a Mac Pro workstation or used car, but the owner of the album, apparently hopes that among Apple fans will be people who will not spare funds for the sake of owning a piece of history. Anyone who is willing to pay the specified amount, can do it here .