Monday, March 30, 2015

Tim Cook: religious beliefs can not be grounds for banning same-sex marriage

Apple CEO Tim Cook criticized the "discriminatory" laws that are accepted in some American states. Their attitude to what is happening, he expressed in the article for the newspaper The Washington Post.

"There is something very dangerous" - writes Tim Cook. Some of the draft law that people can rely on their religious beliefs in case of failure to provide services to the client or to resist the state law on non-discrimination, says Cook. In addition, according to CEO Apple, in Texas are considering legislative initiative, according to which issues permits for same-sex marriage officers may be deprived of wages and pensions, even if the Supreme Court overturned a Texas ban on such marriages later this year.
Cook said that such laws run counter to the principles on which the United States was founded, and can destroy decades of work to achieve greater equality.
The business community has long recognized that discrimination in all its forms is bad for business, says the head of Apple. Therefore Cook on behalf of a California corporation is against this new wave of legislation. The author hopes that the movement will join many more people. From North Carolina to Nevada, these pending bills really hit on jobs and economic growth, emphasizes Cook.
Apple CEO added that with deep respect for religious freedom, but he believes that religion can not be used as a pretext for discrimination.
Last week, Tim Cook called on the government of Arkansas to veto the bill, according to which religious beliefs may be sufficient grounds for action against the rights of same sex couples. "Apple is open to all. We are deeply disappointed by the new law in Indiana and urge the Government of Arkansas veto it" - wrote Cook.