Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to install Windows 95 or Windows 98 on iOS-device

How can you have fun, having at hand the iPhone or iPad, the software to jailbreak and cross-platform emulator open source? French designer Julie Geghard decided to run in the "apple" tablet Windows 95 and was able to realize venture. Detailed guidance on the video he posted on YouTube.

However, to plunge into nostalgic memories and comfort to work with for a long time a retired operating system hardly succeed: to manage the desktop platform designed for large displays for "tiny" touchscreens quite uncomfortable. In this case, the functionality of Windows on the iPhone and iPad is very limited, as no one really did not aim to fit the platform under the "iron" and the possibilities of modern gadgets. Nevertheless, the fact that the launch of the operating system, which is already about 20 years, "apple" devices is interesting in itself.
Before you install Windows on an iOS gadget to copy to an operating system image and change the law in a number of system files. Then you need to add in Cydia repository http://cydia.myrepospace.com/Jujul98. Interestingly, the Geghard showed not only how to install Windows 95, but also how to run the games released for the "Windows", including Fallout 2 and Age of Empires on the iPhone and iPad.
How to install Windows 95 or Windows 98 on iPhone and iPad: