Monday, July 20, 2020

Active noise cancellation system for apartments

Summer heat is sometimes unbearable. You have to open windows to somehow lower the temperature. However, the constant noise in the street makes it difficult to concentrate and leads to irritation. The solution to the problem can be an active noise cancellation system, which allows you to enjoy the coolness in almost complete silence even with open windows.

The new noise cancellation system consists of a sensitive microphone and a speaker unit. It is mounted directly into the window, preventing street noise from entering the apartment. According to the engineers, the system belongs to active methods of noise reduction, since it is based on the creation of so-called "white" noise, which dampens the sound from the outside.

The new noise cancellation technology includes 24 speakers with a diameter of 4.5 cm each. Catching sound from the street, the speakers emit a sound wave that completely cancels it out. As a result, a person in the room does not hear what is happening outside, even if the window is wide open.

Engineers say that at the moment, development is still not 100% effective. So, the bell on the bicycle is clearly audible, since noise reduction works best with the audio range from 300 Hz to 1 kHz. For example, the system copes well with the sounds of a train, plane or car. The inventors indicate that similar technologies are used in many cars, allowing to reduce the noise level for the driver and passengers, and now it can be implemented in apartments.