Some seven years ago, the iPhone does not exist in nature. Now Apple revenue from selling the entire line of "umnofonov 'income exceeds the largest online retailer Amazon, the American company Coca-Cola and internet giant Google.

According to analysts of Slate, in the last three months, sales of the iPhone brought Apple about $ 20 billion If "apple" communicator became an independent company, its income would be greater than that of many famous companies in the world. So, the income from the sale of Apple smartphones exceeds the total income Coca-Cola and McDonald's. And Google and eBay barely managed to beat the iPhone on this indicator.

Income from the sale of the iPad is slightly lower, $ 5.9 billion, but, nevertheless, it is more than Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Groupon and Tesla together. The total earnings of these companies barely exceeded that computers Mac ($ 5,5 billion).

Analysts found that the business of selling some accessories brought the company from Cupertino has more than earned the restaurant chain Chipotle ($ 1,3 billion). Income generated by the software, iTunes and online services Apple, exceeds that of eBay, and line of iPod brought in the second quarter of $ 442 million - 77% more than earned the microblogging service Twitter.