Friday, August 15, 2014

Activist promises to use an iPhone with a broken screen, while Apple does not move to renewable energy sources

Despite the fact that some of the activists environmental pleased with the progress that Apple is doing in this area, one of the participants Elizabeth O'Connell still refuses to buy "Apple" products. She promises to use the iPhone 5c with a broken screen, while the corporation is not completely switch to renewable energy sources.

"I am very glad that Apple is taking steps in the right direction and listens to its customers.However, I will continue to use the iPhone 5c with a broken screen. I want Apple drew attention to the safety of its employees at all stages of production igadgets "- said the director of Green America, in a letter Cult of Mac.
Apple recently banned the use of two very harmful chemicals - benzene and n-hexane - the final stage of assembly of its products. This decision was a real victory for the "green" human rights activists who wrote an 17-page Apple's vice president for ecology Lisa Jackson. Report gathered 23,000 signatures.
Protests against the "Apple" products began to gain momentum in the last few years.Although it is strange, because Apple is in favor of environmental sustainability, unlike its competitors. Moreover, the Cupertino-based company requires suppliers reports on the impact of its work on the environment. These materials are regularly published on the company website.
It is noteworthy that the reports are not just "for show". Of the 200 reported for the last year 100 producers made progress in the use of "clean" energy.
"Refusal of chemicals and the previous steps Apple suggests that the company listens to its customers. However, it needs to go further to protect all 1.5 million migrant workers in the factories, "- says O'Connell. Elizabeth herself will continue its fight against Apple, despite the recognition of the right steps.
"I believe that Apple fans should be grateful to the company for its commitment to the environment. That they will encourage further movement apple on the right path ", - concluded Elizabeth.