Tuesday, August 26, 2014

All smartphones in California must be equipped with a function "Kill Switch" until July 2015

Today California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that all smartphones have to be equipped with software that protects the unit from being stolen. The law requires that all smartphones have installed the software, with which you can remove all your data and lock the device if it is stolen or left somewhere. According to the request, this protection should not lose functionality after the complete restoration to factory settings and install a different version of the operating system. Activate the machine in this case can only authorized user. This function must be pre-installed on your smartphone, and the true owner should be able to unlock the device after his return.
Все смартфоны в Калифорнии должны быть оборудованы функцией "Kill Switch" до июля 2015 года

This bill is intended to reduce the number of thefts of smartphones, which is now a serious problem in major metropolitan areas such as San Francisco and New York. After July 2015 smartphones sold everything must be equipped with the appropriate software.
Smartphones companies Samsung, Microsoft and Apple are already equipped with locking function when the theft or loss, and other manufacturers will have to install the appropriate software, if they want to sell their products in California.
At the moment only in California and Minnesota took effect similar bills. However, back in April of this year, companies such as Apple, Google, Samsung, Nokia and other major manufacturers, decided to add the appropriate software for all its smartphones, which will be made after July 2015.