Friday, August 15, 2014

Android and iOS took 96.4% of the smartphone market share of Windows Phone falls

Analyst firm IDC released fresh data on smartphone market in the II quarter of 2014. The total share of Android and iOS accounted for 96.4%, while the share of Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS continues to fall.
According to IDC, during the reporting period, the world has shipped more than 301.3 million smartphones, which is 25.3% more than the same period last year. The vast majority of them work on
Android. The share of Google's mobile platform for the year increased by 33% from 79.6 to 84.7%.
In second place is the iOS. IPhone sales compared with the II quarter of 2013 increased by 12.7%, but the share of the operating system has decreased from 13% to 11.7%. This is a great indicator, given that Apple sells a few smartphones.
Windows Phone is losing ground not only in terms of market share (down from 3.4% to 2.5%), but also in the scope of supply: 7.4 million devices during the reporting period compared to 8.2 million a year earlier. However, analysts believe that in the future the situation should improve - appeared on the market cheap Nokia Lumia 630 and Lumia 530, in addition, for the release of Windows Phone 8.1 smartphones come from a variety of Chinese manufacturers.
The collapse of the BlackBerry looks even more impressive: the company sold in the second quarter of this year, only 1.5 million smartphones compared to 6.7 million a year earlier.Share decreased from 2.8% to 0.5%. It seems reborn pioneer smartfonostroeniya will not come.
An interesting point of this study is a breakdown of the shipped smartphones at their cost. On the basis of it, about 60% of all Android and Windows Phone smartphones are up to $ 200.Whereas more than 80% on iOS devices cost more than $ 400. In this respect, Apple has traditionally ahead of its competitors.