Friday, August 15, 2014

Apple will store the data of Chinese users in China

Apple reached an agreement with China Telecom about storing user data on the server capacity of the latter. This is said to report the largest Chinese operator.

American giant computer electronics explains this decision an attempt to improve the speed and reliability of their services. All the data storage which provides China Telecom, will be encrypted, as well as in other data centers around the world.
«Apple takes seriously the safety and privacy of its customers, - said the corporation. - We have included company China Telecom in the number of partners that provide us servers for data storage, in order to increase capacity and improve the efficiency of our work for our clients in China. All content, possession of which is ensured by our providers, and securely encrypted. China Telecom does not have access to user data. "
It should be noted that on July 1 of this year , the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved a bill obliging operators of processing personal data of Russian citizens to keep them only on the territory of Russia. According to experts, the adoption of the law creates the conditions for blocking access for Russian users to the services of major foreign companies, including Apple. IPhone maker is processing data Russians in the course of providing their services.