Thursday, August 14, 2014

Apple and Google are going to introduce the voice assistant in the corporate segment

As it became known, before the start of co-operation with IBM, Apple was in talks with Hewlett-Packard regarding mobile technology called "Enterprise Siri". It is reported that "Enterprise Siri" is the development of HP and allows employees to learn at their mobile device with any information relating to the company, such as financial data or inventory number of the product. Resource BusinessInsider reports that despite the talks with Apple, HP over the past year has been negotiating with Google on the integration of technology "Enterprise Siri" in the service of Google Now, with the help of the corporate sector which workers could receive the necessary information about the company, just as easily as well as data about the weather and road conditions. Unfortunately, Google is unclear reasons, rejected a proposal to HP.
Apple и Google собираются внедрить голосовых ассистентов в корпоративный сегмент

It is worth noting that HP and before Google offered cooperation with the proposal to go out to the corporate sector. According to rumors, HP sought to obtain the right to manufacture Nexus-device for corporate use. To do this, the company wanted to add to the system advanced features, namely high quality hardware-based encryption. It is reported that the then head of Android Andy Rubin refused HP in this sentence, because he was not interested in this.
Currently, most companies prefer products from Apple. Therefore, the cooperation of the latter with IBM can only strengthen that position. In cooperating IBM has developed more than 100 corporate applications for different segments for the iPhone and iPad.Despite this, Google still aims to promote Android in the corporate market. As you know, Android L system security has been greatly enhanced by software Knox of Samsung.